TITLE: Producers and Your Agency: Screening Schemes

PUBLICATION: Perspectives, the premier publication of The National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies (NAILBA), exploring the issues affecting wholesale brokerage agencies

DESCRIPTION: Feature article about how BGAs can screen new producers


While many brokerage agencies put newly recruited producers right to work, others put them through the ringer—with a thorough screening process. Many BGAs believe screening is a critical component when it comes to building a powerful, dependable team of producers.

Why would a brokerage agency willingly choose to walk through such a painstaking process? Because when BGAs take the time to screen their producers, they take comfort knowing that each of their team members is highly ethical, well-trained and won’t cost the agency a small fortune in charge backs. In the end, these brokerage agencies assemble an invincible lineup of producers, which helps them gain an edge on the competition. 

Keep reading to learn about various techniques BGAs use to screen their newly recruited producers.

Create an avalanche of paperwork 

As you probably know, any type of screening process naturally involves tons of paperwork.  Andthat’s exactly where many brokerage agencies begin their producer investigation—with loads and loads of paperwork. 

“We at The Milner Group use a set of licensing paperwork that every agent must complete prior to writing business with us,” explains Abby Milner Mann, Marketing Specialist with The Milner Group. “Any issues with an agent’s background or insurance license will be uncovered in this 15-page application.”