Write Punch specializes in book ghostwriting and editing. Check out a few of our published projects below.
A Pearl of Hope
by Tatyana Alekseyevna
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
4.7 / 5 stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"The return on the time investment is priceless. The author takes you on her journey from her childhood home in the Ukraine, to her new life in America. Her personal journey is gripping and unimaginable. From a happy childhood surrounded by a loving family, to utter loss and eventual rebuilding of a shattered life, her unique experience is something we can all learn from."
Buck's Junction
by Jill Smith Entrekin
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
4.4 / 5 stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"I loved Star of Flint and this was just as good. The two books are related but you could read either one in any order you like and it wouldn't matter. Characters are well-developed. It is an easy fast read. I couldn't put it down. It is about the growth of two cousin boys and it goes into adulthood. A great story!"
““After Amy edited my first book, Star of Flint, there was simply no question that I would turn to her once again to edit Buck’s Junction. While we suffered some editorial debates during the process, I discovered that Amy’s suggestions always hit the mark for a better story. Thanks to her flawless editing, Buck’s Junction went to press without any further rewrites. And once again, my second novel continues to maintain a 5-star rating on Amazon.””
Star of Flint
by Jill Smith Entrekin
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
4.8 / 5 Stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"I loved this book so much. I laughed and I cried throughout. Being a Georgia girl myself that was raised in the '60s, I could really relate. Lots of humor, downhome charm and suspense to keep the pages turning. It was really a trip down memory lane."
““When my agent advised that I cut 10,000 words from my original manuscript to make it more marketable, I sought out Amy Bell for her genius expertise. While I felt as though my very limbs were about to be lopped off, Amy assured me that I would barely miss the 10,000 words. Amy was right. She excised unnecessary words and phrases with the skill of a surgeon without destroying the tone, style, or meat of my story. As a matter of fact, Amy’s edits created a cleaner read for Star of Flint, which continues to maintain a 5-star rating on Amazon.””
The Kabrini Message
by J.R. Egles
Edited & Expanded by Amy Bell of WritePunch
4.7 / 5 Stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"Went off topic a bit...not my usual genre. Took a chance on this book and was pleasantly surprised!!! I read it over a weekend because I couldn't put it down. 5 stars!! I could see a movie coming from this one!!"
““Amy not only polished and edited The Kabrini Message as originally intended, but went on to ghostwrite entire chapters; filling out the ending, updating 25-year-old material and greatly expanding the characters by giving them more of a past, present and future – basically, by bringing them to life!””
The Fit Leader's Companion
by Dr. David Chinsky
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
““Amy Bell’s marvelous insights into what compels a reader to take note, along with her ability to patiently listen to her clients, combine to produce fresh and memorable copy. Amy’s crisp and focused editing of my book has resulted in thousands of sales, and a reference that leaders return to again and again to make their professional and personal lives more vibrant, sustainable and fulfilling.”
Identity Theft Secrets
by Dale Penn
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
5 / 5 Stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"Great book, very easy to read and gain useful information from. I wish more educational / instructional books were as easy to understand."
Stewardship on Steroids
by David Ellis Conyers
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
4 / 5 Stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"I received this as a gift yesterday and have already read up to chapter 4. I cannot put it down!!!!! Very well written and I am not one that likes numbers but this one is holding my attention very well."
A Six-Pack for Success
by Edward P. Crumbley
Edited by Amy Bell of WritePunch
5 / 5 Stars on Amazon!
See it on Amazon HERE.
Top Review:
"Wonderful book filled with common sense advice for anyone desiring to move up the corporate ladder, rededicate themselves to their work, or to simply be a more successful person. A six pack for success would be a great resource to include in new-hire packets, use in corporate training sessions or as required reading for freshman-level business classes."
““As I neared completion of my book manuscript, it was suggested to me that I work with an editor before final submission to a publisher. What a great suggestion! I chose Amy Bell of WritePunch Inc. She was responsive, professional and open with good suggestions without changing the context of what I was trying to imply. Once submitted to a publisher, my manuscript was accepted almost immediately. There is no doubt this would likely not have been the case without Amy’s expertise. I would highly recommend her services to anyone needing editorial assistance.”