TITLE: Prepping for Prime Time: How to Gear Up Before the Busy Season (Cover Article)
PUBLICATION: PestWorld Magazine, the official trade publication for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA)
DESCRIPTION: Cover article about how pest control companies can gear up for the busy season
“Amy inspires complete confidence that a project will not only be completed, but that it will be done timely, professionally and masterfully. I do not hesitate to call on Amy for my most complex assignments. She is so skillful in working with her interview subjects that they seek to hire her themselves!”
–Janay Rickwalder, Editor of PestWorld
As summer approaches, pest control companies across the nation are gearing up for the busiest season of the year. While some companies are plotting out their summer game plan, preparing for growth and training the troops, others are going about their business and hoping everything will fall into place when the busy season hits. If you fall into the second category, you may be cruising for a bruising.
“Taking the time now to prepare for the busy season will put you ahead of the game before phones start ringing off the hook,” says Melissa Krische, Manager of Operational Effectiveness with Batzner Services, a pest control company serving Wisconsin and Illinois. “If pest management companies hit the snooze button on advanced planning and preparation, they may miss a few things that could be critical to operational success.”
Here are a few things you can do to get your company’s operations in order before business booms this summer:
Spring into Action
For the majority of pest control companies, business is slower in the winter and spring months—which makes this the perfect time for planning. “Similar to how baseball teams attend spring training before Opening Day, we have found that the winter and spring months are better utilized preparing our operations to better serve our clients,” Krische emphasizes.
To prepare for the busy season, she says pest control companies should take a look at their progress and identify what could be enhanced. “Look at the prior year with a magnifying glass to identify what went well and what could be modified,” she says.